Rules of the Forum:
1) No swearing/cussing of any type. You have one warning, and are afterwards banned.
2) No links to warez software.
3) No flaming, please.
4) Please keep the forums tidy. Don't double or triple-post.
5) Please provide a Wikipedia entry before posting any games/other software, so that we can see the date of when it was released.
6) If you DO request something, that is entirely up to you. We won't host it here, but I can't block PMs. Just know that you should PAY THE DEVELOPERS.
7) Torrents: they are completely allowed, so long as it's abandonware. Download at own risk.
Anything said in protected areas STAYS in protected areas.
9) Try not to post links in Rapidshare/Megaupload. Instead, use MediaFire, since it doesn't have a daily download limit (although, you may be limited to 300kBs/s)
10) Keep conversations civil.
11) Ignorance to these rules is no excuse. You have three warnings, and then you're out.